Friday, May 21, 2010

Its His faithfulness

Happy today that CF had 16 people..Second highest in number since we shifted back to our school. Almost all are constant members! But i don't know why i'm not really as happy as before. Somehow feel numbers don't make much difference, not that i'm not happy about it, but what matter is, whether they grow in spiritual too? I know some did. But i felt like i need to see more changes in their lives. More radical changes. Perhaps im being too impatient. God has His own timing. I'll just have to remain faithful. Happy that at last there're some juniors who can take up the leadership position next. =)
Just found out through browsing the internet that FT is a christian! i'm gonna ask her to come CF, and hopefully she'll know who are the rest of the christians in the form. She seemed a fiery one. God, you sent her i know.

Currently in the process of returning to God's heart. I've been tuning away my ear from Him, but now i'm getting His frequency. Though now i don't feel as passionate as before, its always on and off, but i want to still remain faithful no matter what i feel. And i know my feelings, will slowly follow along. Perhaps, in a more solid kind.
Need to get my thinking mature. Need more wisdom and understanding. I'm still the naive person. Leadership skill is definitely not my thing. Cf thus far is always God-led. I've just known and realised more. Not my ability to lead, which failed so miserably, but His grace and His faithfulness that brought them together. Hoping that CF will go on as along as God's hands are upon it.

Bought The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain and Emma by Jane Austen yesterday for rm20 only! I believe that before anyone is to like reading, they have to read the most famous books of all-time first! If not, they are not called book-lovers. I love reading. Just that i've this bad habit, that it i'll read till i can't stop thus neglecting all other stuffs. But i'll train myself not to do it if i am to be a book-lover. Enjoying the first book first. x)

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