Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Imperfectly Perfect

Lord, i want to accept how you've created me to be. I want to accept my weaknesses, Lord. I know i'm not perfect. And you've made me imperfectly perfect. In Your eyes, i'm beautiful. I'm wonderfully made. I'm beautiful in Your eyes. Today, i get to see what will it be like if everyone is physically perfect. They're so beautiful in the outside. Not too fat, and not too thin. Not too tall, and not too short. Great hair, eye, nose, mouth, smooth skin. But when i look across all of these people. I felt something so beautiful is missing. Totally missing. Its the imperfect that is missing. The flaws of human. That beautiful flaw in everyone. And i see, underneath those perfect skin, are hurting hearts. A heart that is being jailed, afraid to go out. To be seen by men and women, because they're scared of the flaws. So they avoid. What a great mistake. But i guess everyone has mostly fallen into that. To put up a mask of fakeness. Put up a false sense of security upon the wrong things. I know i've been one of these people too. I want to strip off that mask. To truly see myself. To truly accept it. Knowing that, i'm not being enveloped by this fake skins, but by the skin you've created me in. Clothing with robes from You. I don't want to put my security in all the wrong place. But i want to place my security in You. Let me to be real, Lord.

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